Jules Talloen

Computer vision
Natural language processing

As a full stack ML engineer, Jules has an interest in the entire development process, from state-of-the-art research to data pipelines and web development. To stay at the forefront of innovation, he is continuously monitoring the latest research and enables applications built on top of the latest advancements. Using his technical expertise and drive for perfectionism, Jules translates business needs into high-quality, scalable and performant data processing solutions.

Jules has experience both in the field of natural language processing and computer vision and has delivered projects ranging from text based semantic filtering to smart CCTV surveillance systems. As a member of the Computer Vision chapter, he mainly focuses on video analytics, e.g. tracking and action recognition. He leverages his communication skills to share his technical expertise, both internally and externally. 

Jules graduated summa cum laude as a Computer Science Engineer with a major in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Ghent. During his thesis, he combined the field of computational neuroscience with deep learning and published a framework for a more biological plausible type of learning. Additionally, he was involved in multiple research projects where he further spiked his research interest.

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