ML6 for energy

Guiding the renewable energy transition with AI

From strategic advice to building AI solutions, ML6 empowers the energy industry to leverage the transformative potential of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

Challenges facing the energy sector

The climate crisis is one of the defining challenges of our time, calling for a global energy transition from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. This transition requires a shift to decentralised energy production, electrification, and flexible consumption. Success will depend on smart grids and the digitalization of all involved players.

ML6 is here to help along each step of the way.

Predictive maintenance

Whether you are an energy producer, network operator, or industrial prosumer, preventing a breakdown of your infrastructure is crucial. Predictive maintenance helps you minimise costs by planning downtime at times of low energy prices for producers, low load for network operators, or high energy prices for consumers.

Flexible consumption

Consumers need to transition to flexible consumption if they want to limit their current and future energy costs. The future of energy is intermittent, and the spread between low and high energy prices will only rise. To stay competitive or even gain an edge, consumers need to start leveraging flexibility now. We can help assess your flexibility, monetize it, and decide where to invest towards the future.

Congestion management

The introduction and growth of distributed renewable energy combined with the lagging transition to flexible consumption is putting stress on our electricity transmission and distribution networks. AI can help with the optimization of both design and operation of these grids.

Data & AI readiness

A successful energy transition depends on smart grids and the digitalization of all involved players. Unfortunately, data is often locked in different source systems, while the management of AI models is inconsistent and lacking across the organisation. We guide our clients in their transformation towards a data-driven and AI-ready organisation.

ML6 expertise

Specific AI solutions for the energy sector

At ML6, we understand the unique challenges faced by the energy sector. Our extensive knowledge and AI expertise enable us to develop practical solutions tailored to your business needs. Here's how we help energy sector players tackle their specific challenges:


Renewable energy depends on environmental factors like the weather, leading to intermittency which requires flexible consumption. The better we can forecast the weather, energy production and consumption, and market prices, the better we can coordinate our actions in a distributed market.


Electricity demand forecasting

Price forecasting

Renewable energy integration forecasting


Digital twins enable us to simulate physical systems with a virtual model. Through these simulations, we can explore various scenarios, identify constraints and bottlenecks, and understand system sensitivities or vulnerabilities. Knowing this allows us to make informed decisions about investments and operations.


Energy storage optimisation

Grid staibility analysis

Demand response planning


Based on the information obtained through forecasting and simulation, both the design and the operation of systems can be optimised. In the design phase, optimization can be applied to network topology, wind farm layout, and EMS configuration. During operation, optimization can improve congestion management, wind turbine steering, and EMS control.


Congestion management

Wind turbine steering optimisation

Energy management systems (EMS) configuration


The energy markets are continuously shifting towards shorter timeframes, requiring faster decision-taking by all parties. Through automation, we can enable real-time demand response management, trading and bidding, and asset steering. 


Real-time demand response management

Asset steering and control

Trading and bidding automation

Proven Expertise

Success Stories


AI for Wind Turbine Optimization: turbine underperformance analysis to reduce power loss

Otary, a Belgian partnership for sustainable offshore energy, is leveraging machine learning to optimize the performance of their existing wind turbines. This innovative approach helps Otary maximize energy production and reduce costs, contributing to a more sustainable energy future for Belgium.


ML6 built an intelligent controlling unit which operates on the bike and continuously calculates the most optimal engine settings. This results in adjustments in power output, torque adaptations, and a new eco-mode for maximum range.

Large energy player

Digital modelling of a hydrogen plant

ML6 developed a simulation engine for a green hydrogen plant for a party active in the development, financing, construction and operation of sustainable energy sources.
The construction of a green hydrogen plant requires a large capital investment, while the value depends on the availability of renewable energy and the supply chain towards consumers. Our simulation engine provided integral insights to support the investment decision.

Storage technology provider

We helped a provider of hydrogen storage technologies to increase the ROI of their storage solution. We developed a smart energy system to decide when to charge and discharge based on forecasting of production and consumption.

global chemical manufacturer

Cooling capacity forecasting

Our client, a global chemical manufacturer, wanted to forecast the cooling water temperature of their cooling tower to know exactly how much heat could be absorbed to optimally plan their production. Our algorithm allowed for a 2-8% increase of production during summer depending on the production line.

Why clients choose ML6


Years of experience in AI & Machine learning


AI & ML use cases


Leading international clients across industries


Knowledgeable data, AI & ML engineers


Of engineer time dedicated to research


Open source downloads per month

Contact our energy experts

Let's discuss how AI can help you through your energy transition

Robbe Sneyders

Office of the CTO |
Energy expert

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