
Guiding the AI revolution towards positive impact

We believe in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth, ensuring that technological advancements benefit all of humanity. Join us as we navigate this transformative journey, empowering businesses to thrive in the era of intelligent solutions.

Our mission

Accelerate for a brighter future

Accelerating customer value

Using the latest AI and ML insights, our solutions leverage data-driven strategies to improve customer satisfaction, increase revenue, and expand our clients' customer base.

Accelerating technology

With AI rapidly changing the business world, we are making sure that our clients stay ahead of the curve during this transformative time. How? By constantly improving our own solutions.

Accelerating people

We believe sharing knowledge, experience and skills helps everyone move forward. That is why we are committed to offering a challenging environment in which our ML6 agents can grow and boost their productivity.


Years of experience in AI & Machine learning


AI & ML use cases


Leading international clients across industries


Knowledgeable data, AI & ML engineers


Of engineer time dedicated to research


Open source downloads per month

Our promise

Responsible AI

Our promise? Building and developing safe and secure AI solutions while adhering to the highest ethical and legal standards.

We are experts in ethical AI. The structure of our organization is the best proof of that.

Involvement in public debate & regulation

The European Union is working on the EU AI Act, which will affect technology companies that develop or provide high-risk AI solutions. As we work with private and public organizations to provide feedback on these regulatory changes, we are helping companies adapt to the evolving AI landscape.

Employee training and awareness

When creating AI solutions, it’s important to identify potential risks early so we can mitigate them. That's why we train all our employees using real-world data and best practices so they can recognize these risks and make ethical decisions even in complex situations.

Ethical AI advisory board

We have an ethical advisory board to discuss ethically sensitive projects, including those that may be impacted by upcoming regulations. The goal is to identify potential risks early on with input from a diverse Ethical AI team and take action to mitigate risks during the development of AI solutions.

Research and collaboration

As the field rapidly expands, we continue to follow the latest developments, study best practices, and improve our tools to create trustworthy AI solutions. Not only do we provide advisory services on how to implement trust into AI, we also share our knowledge and insights through articles and collaborations.

Our guiding principles

Building AI solutions with trust

AI presents a great opportunity to make life better, but we must act responsibly to be worthy of this privilege. That’s why our core principles focus on fairness, transparency, security and privacy so we can build trust with all users and society.

Benefit society

As we consider the potential applications and uses of AI, we’ll only proceed when we believe the benefits substantially exceed the foreseeable risks and downsides. For each project, we also carefully consider the environmental and societal impact.

Ensure technical robustness

By making resilience, security, safety, and reliability a top priority when building AI solutions, we mitigate the risk of unintended consequences. We do this because we strive for scientific excellence at all times.


When we work with our clients, we establish the necessary mechanisms to ensure that the applications we build are resilient and scalable and hold ourselves accountable for the results.

Respect human autonomy

We want to be a trustworthy partner for all of our clients, which is why you can count on us to always explain in detail how the AI technology works. In addition, we have established feedback channels, and are committed to staying transparent.

Advocate fairness and transparency

In the design of all our applications, we proactively advocate diversity, avoid unfair bias, and consider fairness and transparency.

Protect personal information and security

Our data security & governance protocols and policies guarantee that privacy, data quality, protection and integrity are at the heart of everything we do.

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