
Building AI Responsibly

January 30, 2024
AI Innovation Center (Eindhoven)
2:15 pm
Katharine Canning
AWS Cloud partner
Guest speakers
Michiel Van Lerbeirghe
Legal counsel
Florian Felice
Senior Data Scientist at AWS

AI presents great opportunities to improve life and create business value, but we must act responsibly to ensure trust and mitigate potential risks. Join us at the informative workshop by ML6 and AWS to gain insight into the current AI landscape and how to build and develop safe and secure AI solutions while adhering to the highest ethical and legal standards.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to unlock the full value of AI whilst building trust with customers, employees and society as a whole with AI regulation and responsibility at the forefront of innovation.

Who should attend?

Business leaders, CTOs, Risk officers, and anyone else interested in learning about responsible AI.

Key Concepts Covered in the Workshop
  • Overview of regulatory landscape of AI, EU AI Act, IP
  • Responsible AI in practice - approaches, tools and practical tips on how to embed responsible AI and risk management in your organisation. 
  • What is Generative AI, GenAI concerns, pillars for building responsible AI