Shaping transport collaboration with Teleroute, part of Alpega Group

With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the new premium feauture TelerouteRecommends allows customers to get instant recommendations of trade-lanes and solve problems carriers and freight forwarders might have when looking for truck-capacity or loads.
Intro to the customer
Teleroute, the European freight exchange community that covers road transport needs for both domestic and international routes, has taken a new step to further optimize its platform by creating TelerouteRecommends, a freight recommendation engine that allows customers to get instant recommendations of trade-lanes.
Teleroute Freight Exchange is the online platform of Alpega Group, a leading global logistics software company, and connects transport companies with freight providers, enabling freight forwarders to find available truck capacity and transporters to search for loads.
ML6 and Teleroute by Alpega worked together on creating TelerouteRecommends.
Given the specifics of the transportation industry and the complexity of the features of recommendations that had to be built, Alpega Group was looking for advice on how to help their internal team get started.
"Making use of the most cutting-edge Google Cloud Platform Data Analytics solutions, we've been building strong pipelines that deliver to our customer invaluable information fast and at scale. Along with ML6, we will bring our product to new heights with a new recommendation engine that will solve the logistic problems carriers face when planning long routes."
The ML6 machine learning experts helped the internal team create a clear project roadmap to build a complex recommendation from scratch. After one day of investigating the Teleroute application, the ML6 team was able to understand the specifics of the solution and to help the team understand what they should pay particular attention to. They helped structure the data and project by explaining the concepts in simple terms, with concrete examples, and decomposing the project into different steps. Based on the advice from ML6, Alpega team also started working with Kubeflow, allowing them to significantly speed up the development process. The recommendation engine has now been successfully integrated into Teleroute’s solution, allowing customers to have personalized proposals faster.
"We are pleased about our collaboration with ML6. They quickly understood the freight exchange operating method en Teleroute's desire to build the recommendation engine of our industry. With their expertise in machine learning, ML6 helped our team to develop and implement TelerouteRecommends, the first recommendation engine on the European freight exchange market."